Sisters in Power (SIP) is a powerful network of women who are dedicated to empowering each other, especially BIPOC women, through various means such as business support, workshops, fundraising, and programs. Through our commitment to social justice, SIP actively works towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society for all. 

By connecting and sharing resources, SIP aims to uplift and amplify the voices of women, providing a platform for them to thrive and succeed. Through our collective efforts, SIP serves as a source of inspiration and support for women, proving that when sisters come together, we have the power to make a lasting impact on their communities and beyond. 

At Sisters In Power, we believe that when women come together, we are a powerful force that can create positive change. We are collective visionaries, collaborators, warriors, sisters, and innovators who shape the world around us. Together, we can create powerful networks, champion causes, and drive meaningful change in the world. Through our united efforts, we will work to address issues such as climate change, housing, cost of life, gentrification, equality and social justice. This is why we have come together as a Women’s Empowerment Hub; to be the vehicle for connecting women to the resources and support they need to make meaningful, lasting change. 

Our goal is to help each other become the strong, self-empowered, inspired women we aspire to be. We will do this through innovative physical events, virtual collaborations, and collective campaigns, programs and initiatives. We will stand firm in our commitment to making a meaningful impact in the world, and use our collective power to shape our future. 

Sisters In Power is not just a movement, it’s a sisterhood with a shared vision. Together we can achieve anything and make our world better for ourselves and generations to come. Our unity is our power, and we will use it to create a bright future for us all. 

SIP's Commitment to Social Justice 

At Sisters In Power, we are steadfast in our commitment to Social Justice. We believe that true effectual change can only be achieved by addressing the root causes of social, racial, economic and environmental injustices, and by centering the people directly impacted as decision-makers. 

SIP supports all women with our time, knowledge, skills, and access. We believe in creating a world where everyone is able to retire with dignity, has access to a fulfilling education, meaningful work, quality healthcare, plenty of food, stable housing, and a safety net to deal with emergencies. We strive to provide these basic human rights and opportunities to everyone, including our members, and to do our part in creating a just and equitable society. 

From providing pathway for low-income women of color to become homeowners , to providing grants, we utilize our resources and assets to demonstrate our commitment to social justice, respect self-determination, and empower those who are most affected by systemic oppression.

We strive to be accountable, transparent, and responsive in all our programs, taking into account feedback from the individuals and groups we serve. By engaging in Social Justice, we hope to make a tangible and lasting impact on the world. 

We invite you to join us in this fight, and together we can create positive and lasting change.